
eCouch offers free self-paced and evidence-based online programs for those struggling with anxiety and worry, social anxiety, grief and loss, depression, or a family breakdown.

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What it is

E-couch is an online, self-directed training program which provides interactive self-help and evidence-based information to help users to understand and manage symptoms associated with common mental issues.

The program is like an interactive self-help book, which you can log back in to at any time to learn more skills or to add to your workbooks.

E-couch offers five programs: Depression, Anxiety & Worry, Social Anxiety, Divorce & Separation and Loss & Bereavement. Each program includes a comprehensive information module, as well as self-help modules with interactive exercises and workbooks which teach evidence-based strategies.

How it works

E-couch uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal therapy techniques. CBT is an evidence-based technique focusing on the important link between thoughts, behaviours and feelings. CBT recognises that we can change how we feel both by changing our thinking patterns, or implementing new behaviours (whichever works best for us).

Interpersonal therapy is a technique to help people identify and resolve their interpersonal difficulties with friends, family members or others that often accompany depression.

The app has been used effectively in clinical trials to treat depression and anxiety.

How do I access it?

You can access eCouch here.

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