
Discover practical techniques and strategies for managing loneliness and building strong social connections.

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Practical things you can do in the moment to feel better

If you’re in crisis, remember Lifeline is here for you, or if your life is in danger, call 000.

If you’re feeling lonely right now, and want to explore some options for what you can do about it, the tips below are here to help.

Some might feel more challenging for you than others. It’s important to not push yourself too much, but remember growth comes when you step outside your comfort zone.

You might want to get started with something that feels a little tricky, but is still achievable for you. As you build confidence, you can try other options that will take you even further.

  • Don’t be afraid to reach out

    It might sound obvious, but the best place to look for a friend is the friend’s you already have, or have had in the past. Reaching out to someone you already know can be intimidating and hard, but is also the shortest route to authentic connection. Keep in mind:

    • Most people appreciate when an old friend or former colleague reaches out to say hello. Life gets busy, and just because they haven’t said hello to you, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to connect.
    • Re-establishing a connection is much easier than starting a new one - you’ve already got things to catch up on, shared interests, or old stories to laugh at.
    • It can be easier to start a conversation with old colleagues, friends of friends, or that interesting person you once met, compared with people you don’t know at all.

    Try reaching out to someone you already know. If they don’t reply, or don’t want to connect, don’t be disheartened, it’s likely more of a reflection of their busyness than it is on you.

  • Schedule activities
  • Stay occupied
  • Practice gratitude
  • Revisit your relationship with social media
  • Practice self-care
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Set a daily routine
  • Try to look forward to alone time
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