
ReachOut is a safe place for young people to express themselves openly, connect with people who provide free-judgement support and find strategies to manage life challenges.

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What they do

ReachOut is a safe space where young people (5-25) can openly express themselves and get a deeper understanding on what's happening in their lives. It's 100% online, anonymous and confidential. They can connect you with people who provide judgement-free support and provide strategies to manage challenges.

Who they're for

ReachOut offers support to young people 5-25 years old.

They also have resources for parents, such as articles, videos, quizzes and parents discussion forum.

How they help

They offer a wide range of support options, such as one-to-one peer support, moderated online community, stories and resources.

If you're aged 18-25, you can book a free chat session with one of their peer workers. Chat with them in private about anything, no matter how big or small it is.

On their website, they have a variety of resources on many different topics, such as bullying, mental health and relationships. You can also join their online community.

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