
Learn practical strategies and techniques that can help you manage feelings of anxiety right now and over time.

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Short-term strategies for managing feelings of anxiety

If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, Lifeline is here to support you. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone, text, and chat. If your life is in danger, please call 000.

Anxiety can look and feel different for everyone, which means different strategies will work for different people.

Finding the ones that are right for you may take a bit of trial and error and that's okay. The most important thing is that you're showing yourself kindness and compassion.


  • Anxiety is a natural human emotion we’ve developed to keep us safe from danger
  • Criticising yourself for experiencing anxious thoughts or feelings can make you feel worse. We’re often far more critical of ourselves than we would be of a friend in the same situation. What would you tell someone else if they were in your situation?
  • It’s okay to cut yourself some slack. If you’re feeling particularly anxious, try reducing the expectations you’ve set for yourself.

Scroll down to learn more practical and evidence-supported techniques that can help reduce feelings of anxiety right now and in the long term.

Practical strategies for managing anxiety

  • Challenge anxious thoughts

    When you're having anxious thoughts about something potentially happening in the future, try asking yourself questions such as:

    • Am I safe right now?
    • How have I handled fears like this in the past?
    • What new information could ease my fear?
    • What's the best possible outcome?
    • What would I say to a friend in this situation?
  • Try a grounding technique

    If you’re feeling anxious or like a panic attack coming on, it can be helpful to engage in a grounding technique like deep breathing.

    Breathing can help by distracting your mind, calming your nervous system, and decreasing your overall stress.

    There are a number of different helpful grounding techniques to try but a great one to start with is box breathing. Watch the video below to try it now.

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Schedule a worry time
  • Journal your thoughts and feelings
  • Distract yourself
Instead of having to deal with my anxiety alone, it takes an immense amount of pressure off myself when I let someone else in.

To learn more about what it's like to experience anxiety and ways to manage it, you can:

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