Service Finder GP

Service Finder GP by healthdirect provides Australia's most comprehensive directory of healthcare professionals and services.

Helps with
Mental Health Treatment Plan
Photo of undefined

What they do

Healthdirect Australia is the national virtual public health information service that aims to improve the health of Australians.

They provide Service Finder GP tool to help you find GP based on the answers you provide. Your GP can create a Mental Health treatment plan and provide a referral to eligible mental health professional. By getting a Mental Health treatment plan from your GP, you can get up to 10 free or subsidised sessions per year.

Who they're for

They provide 24/7 health information, advice and referral for all Australians, no matter where you live and when you need help.

How they help

Healthdirect helps you manage and improve your health by providing trusted information and virtual services anywhere and anytime.

They help you:

  • Get the right care at the right time
  • Access quality healthcare by providing telehealth services
  • By providing solutions to governments in response to public health emergencies
  • By working with governments to develop and deliver virtual health services.

Their Service Finder GP tool can help you find the right GP for you based on the answers provided. Your GP can create a Mental Health Treatment Plan and refer you to a mental health professional.

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