Men’s Referral Service

Men’s Referral Service is a free and confidential 24/7 counselling, information, and referral service for men using violence and abuse in their relationships and are looking for ways to change their behaviour. Call 1300 766 491.

Helps with
Domestic and Family Violence
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What is Men’s Referral Service?

Men’s Referral Service is a free and confidential 24/7 counselling, information, and referral service for men using violence and abuse in their relationships and are looking for ways to change their behaviour.

Men’s Referral Service can also help:

  • Anyone impacted by a man’s use of violent behaviour
  • Anyone looking for ways to best support a man who may be using violence
  • Professionals working with men who are using violence or family members impacted by violence.

How does Men’s Referral Service work?

When you contact Men’s Referral Service, your call or chat will be answered by someone trained to:

  • Respect your anonymity
  • Listen to you
  • Offer support and short-term strategies
  • Provide you with referrals to local services that can help you take the next steps in your journey.

How to contact Men’s Referral Service

You can connect with the Men’s Referral Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via:

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