Lifeline Service Finder

Lifeline's Service Finder is an online directory of free or low-cost health and community services in Australia. Search for GPs, counsellors, material support and much more.

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What it is

Lifeline’s Service Finder is an online directory of free or low-cost health and community services available in Australia.

The directory includes over 110,000 local, state, and national services around Australia.

You can search for services including:

Lifeline's Service Finder is designed to help you find and connect with other services, however, results that are listed are not necessarily recommended or endorsed by Lifeline.

Who it's for

Lifeline's Service Finder is for everyone in Australia.

You can use filters to find local, state, and national services that meet your needs.

How to use

Lifeline's Service Finder is available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How to use:

  • Step 1: Click here
  • Step 2: Enter the type of service you're looking for
  • Step 3: Narrow results by entering a suburb or postcode.
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