
FriendLine is a free and anonymous national phone and chat service for anyone 18+ who’s feeling lonely, socially isolated, or just wants to connect with a friendly volunteer.

Helps with
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What they do

Friendline is a national volunteer organisation that exists to help combat loneliness. They run a phone and online chat service for people who just want to chat, about anything at all.

Who it’s for

FriendLine is for anyone in Australia, 18 or above, who needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. The hours of operation and phone number vary by state, please click here for more information and to check the opening hours of your local service.

How they help

Friendline aim to tackle loneliness by helping people reconnect with others through conversation. Their trained volunteers will happily listen, spin a yarn or two, or have a chat about anything you like.

Please note this is not a crisis service.

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