The Body Keeps the Score

The Body Keeps the Score is a book about what trauma is, how it impacts the body, what types of treatment options are available, as well as short and long-term strategies for coping and self-care. Available in paperback, audio, and e-book formats.

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Photo of The Body Keeps the Score

What it is

''The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma'' is a book by Dr Bessel van der Kolk, a psychiatrist and expert on trauma.

The book explores how trauma affects the brain, body, and mind and provides insights into how people can heal from traumatic experiences.

By reading this book, you can gain a deeper understanding of trauma, how it affects the body and mind and how it can show up in different ways. You can learn about the common symptoms and signs of trauma and be able to identify when you or someone you know may be struggling with trauma.

You can also learn about different treatment options for trauma, including traditional therapy and newer approaches as well as self-care strategies.

Who is it for

This book is for anyone who has experienced trauma or is supporting someone struggling with trauma.

It's also a great resource for anyone seeking to better understand trauma and its effects.

Where can I find it?

This book can be found in bookstores and shops across Australia. It can also be ordered online or downloaded as ebook or audiobook.

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