I Am Sober

I Am Sober is a sobriety tracking and support app for people recovering from addiction to alcohol, drugs, and self-destructive behaviours. Along with tracking sobriety milestones, you can build new habits and find motivation from people going through similar challenges.

In-app purchases
Helps with
Substance Misuse
Photo of I Am Sober

What it is

I Am Sober is a free app for Android and Apple mobile phone users that supports those recovering from addictions to alcohol, drugs and/or self-destructive behaviours.

The app tracks milestones, sends daily notifications for support and measures how much money you’ve saved too.

The app also connects you with a community of people going through the same experiences.

Most features are free, but the app also offers in-app purchases for additional features.

How it helps

By keeping track of your sobriety, the app creates a system of accountability and motivation to stay sober. It also connects you with other people going through similar challenges, through which you may learn new habits and techniques for managing your substance use.

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